We call this tense "Geçmiş Zamanın Rivayeti" /The rumor of the Past Tense.
Rivayet means rumor.
There is no certainty that "that verb, event" has occured.
As you know there is another tense is called -Miş'li Geçmiş Zaman / Indefinite Past Tense in Turkish. And you may use it when you tell a story or something that you learned from someone else. This Rumor of the Past Tense use the same ending -miş but two times, and you add it when you don't believe the thing you learned or you just heard, let's learn what it is now! You can listen to example sentences at the bottom of the page.
We can use it for two common purposes;
1) You do not believe someone or you are not satisfied with something.
A: Haven't I said clean here?
(Ben sana burayı temizle demedim mi?)
B: Don't you see? I already cleaned.
(Görmüyor musun? Zaten temizledim.)
A: You cleaned?! Why do I still see dust here then?
(Temizlemişmiş. O zaman neden hala burada toz görüyorum ben?)
We used the super power of -miş to have "ultra moody insulting effect".
One could just say, temizledin mi? did you clean? otherwise.
When you are not happy with the result of something that someone did, you can use this.
It does not have to be said with anger all the time.
Another example;
A: Neden bunu bana söylemedin?
(Why did not you tell me this?)
B: Nasıl söylemedim? Telefonda anlattım dün.
How did not I tell? I told it on phone yesterday.
A: Söylemişmiş, ben niye hatırlamıyorum?
(You said it?!, why don't I remember?)
A did not believe B and used this unpleasant -mişmiş again.
Although it does not sound as much angry as the first example,
still B would not be happy to hear it as it shows that A does not believe that B said it.
2) You tell a story to someone but you don't believe that really happened.
This is not so different use with the first one indeed.
When you tell a story or something to someone you can use it, and this story is something you heard from someone else, too.
A: Öğrendin mi dün neler olmuş?
(Did you learn what happened yesterday?)
B: Evet, önce Ece eve gelmişmiş, sonra annesi aramışmış, o da ona yardım etmeye gitmişmiş. Bu yüzden gelememiş partiye.
(Yes, (she said that, I learned from her that) Ece has come to home, then her mother has called her, and then she has gone to help her. That's why she could not have come to the party (according to what I've learned from her))
A: Duy da inanma!
(Hear and/but don't believe!)
B: (Seninle) Aynı fikirdeyim. Bana hiç de doğru gibi gelmedi bu. Sadece gelmek istemedim diyebilirdi.
(I have the same opinion. I don't think/(I did not find) that it is like the truth, either. She could just say she did not want to come.
A: Bence de.
(I agree.)