Can we say "tamam" or "peki" and use it like OK in Turkish?
The answer is no and here is why;
- It would mean totally different;
-What was his answer to that question?
-It (his answer) was okay - Pekiydi / Tamamdı
Only in such a conversation this word would make some sense.
- So we need to use the word "iyi" to mean OK
I am OK - İyiyim
The film was OK - Film güzeldi / iyiydi
Let's learn some more;
if it is just so-so movie then
Film fena değildi or
İdare eder --yes it is present even though the question is past tense
and for a person;
I am so-so Fena değilim / Fena değil / İdare eder
When it is an answer for a person, I would say it is a bit informal to say "İdare eder"
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