recharge one's phone: telefonu şarj etmek
--> You can add personal suffixes to telefon.
I am recharging my phone. Telefonumu şarj ediyorum.
Telefonunu şarj ettin mi? Did you recharge your phone?
-->The use of personal suffixes is more common but saying just telefonu also works for all subjects.
recharge one's phone card: telefona kontör/kredi yüklemek
Telefonuma kontör yükledim. I topped up my account.
Same personal suffix rule applies also here. Better with it, but wouldnt hurt without it.
Telefona kontör yükledim. Telefona kredi yükledim. Telefona kredi aldım. All mean the same.
my phone card is out of credit: Kontörüm yok/bitti. I dont have credit/My credit has finished.
Telefonumda kontör kalmadı. No credit has left in my phone.
They all mean same.
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