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bile - even

Bile is the 64th most common word in Turkish Language and it has the following meanings;

1) even
It means "even" and works for the word it follows.
Sen bile anlamadın. 
Even you did not understand.

You did not even understand.
Anlamadın bile.

Öğretmen bile güldü. Even the teacher laughed.
Çocuklar bile bunu bilir. Even the children know this.
Kuşlar bile bizimle şarkı söylediler. Even the birds singed with us.

2) even if
We apply the normal if clause rule -we add -se/-sa to the verb- and say bile.
Özlesem bile aramayacağım. Even if I miss, I will not call.
Özür dilesem bile benimle konuşmayacak. Even if I apoligy, she will not talk to me.
İstese bile gelemezdi, çok meşguldü zaten. Even if he wanted to do, he wouldn't come, he was busy anyway.

3) already
In positive sentences it can mean already.
Anladım bile. I've already understood.
Bak bitirdim bile. Look, I'm finished already.

4) And if we repeat it and say "bile bile" it means "on purpose, with intend", "being aware of".
Bile bile hata yaptı. He made a mistake with intend.
Para kaybedeceğini bile bile oynuyor. He is playing the game knowing that he will lose money.

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