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en - the most, width

En is the 44th most common word in Turkish and it has two meanings.

1) width
odanın eni - the width of the room
Bu odanın eni kaç metre? How many meters is the width of this room?

And there is a nice idiom using this word;
Benim enim ne boyum ne? What is my width what is my height?
When you are supposed to do something that you think that it is obvious that you are not able to do, you whine saying this sentence.

2) The most; this has more common use than the first one hopefully.
en güzel kız - the most beautiful girl
en küçük ev - the smallest house
en temiz oda - the cleanest room
en kötü film - the worst movie

Bence en güzel kız o. I think the most beautiful girl is her.
En küçük ev bizim. The smallest house is ours.
Bu evde en temiz oda benim odam. In this house, the cleanest room is my room.
Bu Adam Sandler'ın en kötü filmi. This is the worst movie of Adam Sandler.

This is how we form the superlatives in Turkish. You just put the word "en" before the adjective (describing words like; güzel, küçük, temiz, kötü). I always thought that the comparatives and the superlatives are really the easiest subjects in Turkish. (You put "daha" instead of en to form a comparative phrase e.g. daha küçük - smaller) Please think of the other languages you are familiar with. I am thinking of 4 other languages right now and all the adjectives change! and if there is some vowel harmony rule, it becomes a little bit more complicated even. But in Turkish you can use the adjectives in all forms with 100% confidence. Isn't it nice?

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