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Plural Nouns in Turkish

In this article, you will find information about using the nouns in plural form with different types of words in a sentence. What is noun? Noun is a word that can be used to refer to a person, animal, place, thing, phenomenon, substance, quality, or idea, or shortly the name of the objects, beings and the concepts.
First we will see which endings we use to make a noun plural. 
There are only two endings; -ler and -lar;
kedi - kediler   cat - cats
araba - arabalar   car - cars

How to know which one to use?
We look at the last vowel;
And if it is e,i,ö,ü we choose -ler  (e and dot letters)
And if it is a,ı,o,u we choose -lar, that's all. (a and dot free letters)

bebek - bebekler (babies)
öğrenci - öğrenciler (students)
köpük - köpükler (bubbles)
kök - kökler (roots)

kitap - kitaplar (books)
ayı - ayılar (bears)
balon - balonlar (balloons)
çocuk - çocuklar (kids)

What if there is a number before?
In Turkish we do not use the plural form after numbers.
two babies - iki bebek
two kids - iki çocuk

What if there is an adjective?
Then we use plural form for the nouns only, not for the adjective.
beautiful babies - güzel bebekler
big bears - büyük ayılar

What if there are both a number and an adjective?
As long as there is a number, we never use the plural.
two beautiful babies - iki güzel bebek
two big bears - iki büyük ayı

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