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senin - your, yours

Senin is the 36th Turkish common word and it means your or yours.

Sample Sentences:
Bu senin. This is yours.
Bu senin değil. This is not yours.

Senin evin nerede? Where is your house?
Senin telefonunu kullanabilir miyim? May I use your phone?

Senin araban var, yürümek zorunda değilsin. You have a car, you don't have to walk.
Senin paran var mı? Do you have money?

Seninle geliyorum. I'm coming with you.
Seninle konuşmak istemiyorum. I don't wan to talk with you.

Bunu senin için aldım. I bought this for you.
Senin için elimden geleni yapacağım. I will do my best for you.

Kardeşim senin kadar uzun. My brother is tall as you.
Senin kadar uzun kimse görmedim. I've never seen someone tall as you.

This is a Turkish commercial video of a GSM company and it is popular with its song. The product that they are selling is called gnc turkcell.

Senin Benim Bizim (Yours, Mine, Ours)

The Lyrics
Hayallerim var benim,kağıttan gemilerim.
I have my dreams, my paper boats.
Ben nasıl istersem, öyle katlar bükerim
Whatever I feel like to do, that way I bend and fold them
Umut, dilim kalbim, lehçem
Hope, my language my heart, my dialect
Dünya benim oyun bahçem.
The world is my playground.
Ben nasıl istersem, öyle oynar giderim
Whatever I feel like to do, that way I keep playing

Genç turkcell senin benim bizim (x2)
Genç turkcell is yours mine ours

Garip, garip huylarım.
Weird, my weird habits.
Gizli saklı koylarım.
My secret (under the rose) bays.
Her nasılsam işte.
Whatever I look like.
İşte öyle biriyim
That's how I am.
( and repeats the first two part)

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